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First Post

03 Dec


First Post

5 min read

Hello, dear reader! Thank you for landing on my humble blog.

My name is Simone, and I love boardgames, especially those with many, MANY detailed miniatures.

For those who also share this passion, my favourite is called “Descent: Journeys in the Dark - Second Edition”. It is a brilliant dungeon crawler with tons of minis, loads of expansions and a list of contents that is currently filling up half of my closet space. It is GLORIOUS!

Other titles that you will probably see in my posts include “The Edge: Dawnfall”, “Horizon Zero Dawn - The Board Game”, “Lords of Hellas”, and potentially new titles such as “Descent: Legends of the Dark” and “ISS Vanguard” (just to name those which I am pretty sure I am going to buy - pending approval from the missus of course!)

If it weren’t for budgetary (as well as space) limitations, I would probably add some skirmish and wargames to the list, but I don’t think you will see many of these on this blog, unfortunately.

Some of my boardgames Some of my boardgames

My collection has more than doubled since the time I took these pictures

Given all of these miniatures, it was just a matter of time before I picked up painting again.

I used to own armies of Uruk Hai back as a teenager, when I could count on my parents’ money and lovely home. I had amassed a pretty impressive army at the time, and I mostly entertained the hobby for the painting side of it, to bask in the glory of a well-painted sculpt, than to play with it.

Unfortunately, like many hobbies as a teenager, I eventually thought I had “grown” out of it and picked up something else (namely, MMORPGS - which in hindsight took a lot more of my time than wargames.)

But last year, looking at the sheer mass of unpainted plastic that I filled my house with, I grew nostalgic of that feeling of creativity, and decided to purchase some Army Painter colours and brushes, and give it another try.

Fast forward to today, and I am now in full swing - not only did I end up purchasing the entire line of colours, but I am trying to keep up painting as frequently as possible. I aim to 1 miniature/group of minis a week, although work and other commitments often slow me down significantly.

As you will see from most of my next posts, I still have a long way to go to learn painting properly. Some of my “earlier” works are honestly sloppy (you will see how NOT to paint a face on my post of Avric Albright of Descent - 2nd Edition) but I still intend to publish them on this blog to discuss what went wrong, and what I have learned from and since them.

Some of my boardgames .

Poor guy, he was hit in the face by a dragon. Repeatedly. With another, smaller dragon.

My path is clear: I just need to put my brush on more plastic and continue improving, getting out of my comfort zone and trying out new techniques until I have mastered them. I hope you will decide to be part of this journey as well and it will be at least a bit helpful to you as it has been for me!

And lastly, in an effort to share these creations, I decided to create this blog.

As a web developer, it was a good opportunity for me to flex my “muscles” and have an excuse to do what I love to promote something else I love. I will probably continue to add small “features” to the blog, such as links to specific posts on my social accounts, or a way to contact me if you are curious about a specific paint job or miniature.

I am also venturing into photography (talk about love for learning!) as you can see from the main photo of this post. I expect to see myself improve drastically on this front as well, so forgive me if the initial results are still a bit “scrappy” - I promise I will do my best to continue adding better and better content and show my progression on multiple levels.

Once again, thank you for making it so far, and see you in my next post!

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